It never fails.  I get it all the time.  “Kristen you look amazing.  What did you do?”.  I try my best to explain how I eat to them in 30 seconds or less.  Anymore and they’ll lose interest.  We've usually got kids running around or are in a busy place.  The response is always “I could never do that because I love ____ too much”.  

Maybe my pitch isn’t good enough?  Maybe I explain the basics more than the benefits?  I’m sick of it though.  I’m tired of lame excuses and I'm tired of listening to people whine.  I’m tired of trying to make people understand that their aches and pains are not normal.  It’s not age, it's not some self diagnosed condition, and it is usually weight related (these are situations I've come across not directed towards the general public... maybe?).  I just don't understand why people keep putting their health at the bottom of their priority list.

I needed a place to send people when we run out of time or patience.  I needed a page about real food.  A page that explained things in a simple way giving you the basics, meal ideas, and advice.  If I've sent you here or even if you've stumbled along from the internet I'm hoping to make this page a great resource for you!

First let me give you the basics:

• Eat quality meat and eggs (from grass fed, free range, pastured, happy animals), vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.

• Stay away from-  soy, refined sugar, and processed/packaged foods.

EAT REAL FOOD.  Real, whole, great quality, one ingredient foods.

Why I eat what I eat:

• I eat for nourishment.  I eat to prevent cancer, stroke, and heart disease.  I eat for longevity.  I fill my plate with the most nutritious foods I can find.  For example, I choose to eat sweet potatoes over regular white potatoes because they are a better source of nutrition.

How to do it:

• Get rid of the junk.  Seriously, go to your cabinets and throw it in the trash.  Don't think of it as wasting money . Think of it as it's hurting your health.

• Spend the money.  We don't have cable, we don't drink alcohol, and we don't eat out often.  We also follow a strict budget.  We afford grass fed beef, organic vegetables, and other quality foods because we make it happen.  No excuses.

• Get creative.  You are going to have to.  You won't stick with it eating grilled chicken breast and broccoli.

• Don't fear fat.

• Try not to replace your favorite junk food with a clean version.

• Use starchy vegetables in place of your bread, pasta, and baked goods.

• Meal plan and stay organized.

• Do your own research and listen to your body.

•  I know it may seem overwhelming but I promise that it gets easier as you go.  Make the effort.  Your health is worth it.

After you've read some of this maybe the rest of my blog won't seem so confusing.  You'll know why I drink bone broth and kombucha.  You'll know why you won't see many dessert recipes here.

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.

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Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.