Wednesday, July 10, 2013

KID FOOD: Veggie Spaghetti

This is my kids favorite dinner.  It's simple, versatile, and requires minimal ingredients.

Pasta- use whatever you have on hand (my kids like whole wheat spaghetti noodles)
Veggies- use whatever you have on hand (my kid's favorite is broccoli and carrots)
Olive oil
Coconut aminos or soy sauce

Cook the first three ingredients how they like them.  For me I cook the chicken ahead of time in the crockpot and keep it in the fridge for the week.  Then I boil the pasta while I steam veggies.

Combine the cooked pasta, veggies, and chicken in one pot and drizzle with olive oil and coconut aminos or soy sauce.

Really it's that easy and my kids inhale it.

What's one of your kid's favorite dinners?


Tiffany Campiotti said...

My kids love steak! Lol. Spaghetti is also up there on the favorites list :)

Brittany (healthy slice) said...

That. Looks. Great! In fact, I kind of want it for my dinner. H loves the soy sauce flavor, too. So delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.