Monday, July 1, 2013

KID FOOD: Cherry Chia Smoothie

I read somewhere that the transition to paleo with kids should be gradual.  The article also said to make those paleo treats for them.  Here's the thing... Kids don't like change.  They thrive on routine and like to know what's coming next.  Well at least that's the way my kids are.

My kids drink this smoothie several times a week.  It's paleo, delicious, and nutritious.  Squirrel likes it because it's "pink" and LB likes it because it's "yummy in my tummy".  It does include a couple dates and quite a bit of fruit but if that's the kind of sugar you are adding to your kids diet then I'd say you aren't doing half bad.

Cherry Chia Smoothie
(makes enough for my two littles)

1 cup of milk (I use half full fat coconut and half almond milk in theirs)
1 frozen over ripe banana chopped into chunks
1 cup frozen cherries
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2-3 pitted dates depending on how big they are and how sweet you like your smoothie

Dump all of your ingredients into a blender and blend on high until smooth.  This makes a pretty thin smoothie only because it's easier to suck through a straw.  Cut back on the milk if you want a thicker smoothie.

I even like it and it's good if you had a handful of kale or spinach to it!

What's your favorite smoothie combination?


Danielle said...

This looks awesome! I love smoothies especially since in the summer. I've never tried dates in my smoothies though, I bet they're awesome in there.

Jill said...

I can see why they like this. I just started putting dates in my kids' smoothies. She can't resist the sweetness. My daughter loves pink smoothies too. I'm rocking the mint in my morning blend today and it is delish. I will make this one for her soon since I have all the ingredients on hand-love it when that happens.

Kristen said...

Ohhh mint would be so good! As long as it's not too many dates I don't see why not... ya know? It's real food!

Kristen said...

Dates just make things a little sweeter :)

Kristen said...

We've been buying bags of the frozen cherries like crazy. They are SO good!

Jess @ PaleoJess said...

Great idea, mine love a typical banana smoothy (almond/coconut milk) and I've just started Will on them too. I have been playing around with extra ingredients and I've not had any complaints yet :)

Jill said...

Just made this for the wee one(three years)--very yummy! We both LOVED it.

Jen Stimbert Pabst said...

I can totally see all 3 of my kids loving this recipe :)

Kristen said...

Yay! So glad you liked it.

Kristen said...

Let me know if you try it!

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.