Friday, May 10, 2013

New In My Kitchen

I had a couple of new things come into my kitchen lately and I thought I would share them with you guys.

1- No more paper towels!

Emily over at The Daily Garnish gave me the idea to get rid of the paper towels.  I used to use paper towels for everything.  I did what Emily did and bought two small trash cans and two 8pk cheap washcloths.  The total was $13 at Target.  $2.99 for each trash can and $3.49 a piece for the wash cloths.  Did I do the math right?

The bins go under my sink.

The left is clean and the right is dirty. 

Every night I empty the dirty ones and throw them in the washer.  I've been doing this for about a month and haven't run out of washcloths.  I use them for everything.  Wiping little faces, counters, floors... I actually like using them better than paper towels!

2-  Gather

This book is wonderful.  I can't wait until my husband gets home so we can cook from it.  The recipes are amazing.  The photography is amazing.  The layout is amazing.  It's a must read.

3-  The Produce Box

I joined a CSA!  It's such a cool experience!  This week I got- strawberries, green onions, red leaf lettuce, arugula, tatsoi, and a big tomato.

4-  Growing green onions

I had never tried this before so when I bought some onions for this recipe I just stuck the ends in some water.

These suckers grow FAST.  

Like that is two days worth of new growth.  Amazing.

What's going on in your kitchen?  Anything new?


Jess @ PaleoJess said...

I've started using eucalyptus oil spray on my bench tops and stove, love the smell! I've been doing the green onions thing for a while, my mum always does it so I picked it up from her. I put my asparagus spears in a big jar with some water in the bottom to help keep them fresher longer (that's something new). Love the wash cloth idea!

jill said...

Your kitchen looks spotless!! Love the wash cloth idea, I would probably forget to wash them and they would STINK!!! Regarding your pro powder, did you try the regular or recovery? I was thinking about ordering some just wanted to see which one you tried and liked.

Oh and one more thing, did you get rid of all items that contained sugar in your house during Whole3o?? Or do you have good will power. Lately it seems my pantry has WAY TOO much chocolate in it. If ya know what I mean.

Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats said...

Great job getting on the bandwagon with no paper towels:) I love doing the same thing. For a quick cleaning solution (countertops, tables, sinks, bathroom surfaces, etc.) I keep a spray bottle on hand of 1 part distilled vinegar, 4 parts water.

cornwallst59 said...

I like the no paper towel idea. I've cut down about 50 per cent, but still have a way to go. I need to do a good clean out and restock and get back to healthier eating.

Anonymous said...

Ugh i've braces right now which sucks sht but i've to offer
with them for like another year... =[ i guess i will live but being 22 and having braces sucks... also i cant use any enamel whitener b.c it will like ruin the braces... i dont know what to do. And what does baking soda do for enamel??? i only use it to get the bad smell out of my basement... =]
Can som one answer my questions?

my website - teeth whitening gel refills

Michelle @ Eat Move Balance said...

I have totally tried the growing of green onions before! It worked really well for awhile, and then the growth slowed down. So maybe I have to replace with new stalks every once in awhile? Love the towel idea! We use paper towels like they are going out of style--this would be much more environmentally friendly!

Kristen said...

I think you are right that after awhile the onion just doesn't grow as well. It makes sense though!

Kristen said...

You should try the wash cloth idea. I really do prefer it to paper towels!

Kristen said...

I do the same!

Kristen said...

I use the regular pure whey. My husband uses the pure whey along with the recovery but he's a big crossfit kinda guy... Ya know what I mean?

I actually don't buy anything sweet anymore. I pretty much ate up everything before my Whole30 and haven't bought anything since. We have one jar of chocolate chips for special occasions. That's it! Sugar was huge during my Whole30. I still can't control myself around it! If it isn't here I don't eat it.

Coco said...

I love the towel idea!

Blissful Mama said...

I so like the look of that cookbook! I would love to see some of the things you make when you start cooking from it.

Kristen said...

Soon! It's a beautiful book!

Lindsay @ fuelmyfamily said...

I need to do the papertowel thing. I keep meaning too any maybe now we aren't washing diapers anymore and they aren't always taking up my machine, I can try and make the switch. Glad you found a CSA! We LOOOVE ours!

Robyn said...

I wanted to stop using so many paper towels too, my cousin who sells Norwex got me hooked on their clothes, they are pretty amazing at cleaning ANYTHING and they sanitize themselves, pretty awesome technology so far I have been impressed, reminds me of your washcloth system only I just need one cloth per room and only wash it once in a while

Naz(@CinnamonEats) said...

I do the same with washcloths, it really does save on the paper towels! Of course I still use paper towels for certain things but don't need as much of them. I'm dying to get Gather but this month and next month are full of expenses so I'm going to have to hold off! There are currently a bunch of books I want to get, so hard choosing! The green onion experiment looks cool, will have to try that one out :) When we lived in the U.S. we would get our fruit and veg delivered too and the same now in England, I like getting something different each week and it really makes you think outside of the box when cooking.

P.S. Love that bacon sign :)

jill said...

Okay. You have inspired me. I will not buy sugar laced food!! If it is not there you can't eat it!!

Kristen said...

There are so many books I want too!

Kristen said...

That is awesome!!! I'll have to look in to it!

Amber @ Busy, Bold, Blessed said...

I love the no paper towel thing. I need to take the plunge! Also I had no idea that you could do that with green onions!

vicentewakk said...

Ceramic tiles are very popular it is easy to clean. It does not need sealant and it will not stain.

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.