Saturday, May 18, 2013

Smoothie Fail

Whoa it's been a week.  It's been crazy busy but a great week!  No one has been sick in my house!  When my kids are well things run so smooth around here.  I've been eating a lot of the same things lately (as usual).  Here are my eats for today:


A green smoothie.  I've been trying to branch out with smoothies.  I'm trying to not rely on protein powder as much.  This one had a banana, kale, blueberries, avocado, and almond milk.  Sounds yummy... It wasn't.  Blah.  It was just ok.  What am I doing wrong?


I did body combat bright and early this morning plus worked chest and triceps.  Then the kids and I went for a little nature walk.  Obviously they loved it.


Pork, brussels, avocado.  Simple as that.


Dried mango.


Unpictured!  Ahhh... I never forget to take pictures... I did tonight.  I had a burger topped with pickle, avocado and mustard.  Plus a salad.

What's your favorite smoothie?


Jess @ PaleoJess said...

Baby spinach, banana, frozen berries, almond milk and a scoop of vanilla protein powder. I find that it's got everything I need and it gets me through till lunch time. Looks like the kids loved their walk :-)

Amber @ Busy, Bold, Blessed said...

I just throw whatever fruit I have (strawberries, blueberries, banana, maybe some pineapple) in with some spinach, ice, and lately I've been dabbling with coconut milk. Sometimes I'll do a yogurt in there, but the coconut milk makes it kind of yogurt-y without the dairy. I haven't done kale yet, but I've got my eye on this smoothie:


Leslie said...

I can't get into protein shakes or smoothies. I don't know,mother just don't do anything for me. I love the pic of you and your kids, super cute!

Kristen said...

Aww thank you! I do like protein shakes but I don't think I'm a smoothie person :(

Kristen said...

I see smoothies on instagram all the time and they look so good! Mine never turn out pretty or yummy haha!

Naz said...

I try not to have smoothies too often but one of my faves is this one:

Kristen said...

Exactly! I am just going to have to add more banana or something...

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.