Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meal Plan #1

This week has been crazy!  Someone had a birthday!

I can't believe he's two!

Some of my eats this week...

Paleo pancakes, random mishmosh leftover bowls, egg scrambles, and meatloaf!

Tina over at Carrots n Cake has been doing weekly meal plans and I've been getting a ton of ideas from her.  Wouldn't it be great if we all did it and got ideas from each other?

MEAL PLAN #1 (for the week of 10/14-10/21)

Monday-  Breakfast for dinner
Tuesday-  Paleo Pad Thai
Wednesday-  Asian meatballs over cauliflower rice (the meatballs will be paleo-ized)
Thursday-  Turkey taco lettuce wraps  (minus the rice)
Friday-  Crockpot pulled pork and collard greens
Saturday-  Steaks, roasted sweet potatoes, and salad
Sunday-  Grilled porkchops, brussels sprouts, and roasted acorn squash

Plus this will keep me more accountable... Right?  Let's see!


Buttercup said...

Looks good. I've got chicken going in the crockpot and I'm looking for sweet potato recipes. I'll look at your pulled pork recipe and see if I can do a chicken switch. Have a great week!

jill said...

Can I hug you!? Thanks for the meal ideas. After 2 years of being a vegetarian I'm back on the meat train full speed ahead! :)

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.