Breakfast: Coconut milk, chias, salted cinnamon coconut chips, banana, nuttzo.
Lunch: Hamburger helper, cauliflower rice, kale, and avocado.
Dinner: Tilapia tacos on cauliflower tortillas topped with salsa and avocado. Plus sautéed veggies.
Breakfast: Smoothie made with cherries, almond milk, almonds, banana, chia seeds, and a raw egg.
Lunch: Lazy girl lunch- Kraut and hot dogs cooked on low in the crockpot for a bit.
Dinner: I snapped a picture of my dinner with my phone last night and somehow it's gone. Who knows. I had a burger and a sweet potato.
Breakfast: Egg scrambler- two eggs, kale, peppers, onion, broccoli, and avocado.
Lunch: Leftovers.
Snack: Smoothie! Recipe soon!
Dinner: Pork burgers topped with paleo mayo, caramelized onions, and avocado. Plus a sweet potato topped with coconut butter and cinnamon.
So I finally broke out my hand blender to make some mayo for those burgers today... Umm hello??? What took me so long to try this?
This was done in like five minutes.
So my appetite has been really weird lately. I haven't been hungry at all in the morning. As you can see my breakfast have been small and when I do make a big breakfast this is what it ends up like-
I definitely go through hormonal changes during the month. One week I'm not hungry at all and then the next I want to eat everything! I've noticed it more and more by doing these Whole30's. Isn't that what this is all about? Learning about your body's relationship with food?
Are you a big breakfast eater?
I usually don't eat breakfast till about 10 a.m. I've been trying to follow my hunger cues, which has been working really well. I've also been focusing on properly refueling post workout to avoid the crashes & cravings. Food looks tasty. Nice mayo trick with the immersion blender. I'm trying not to make mayo or sauces (or nut butter) since those all prove to be psychological triggers for me.
I'm feeling the same, I've barely eaten the last 2 days and when I do I just throw random food on the plate. Definitely go through dips in hormones and my food reflects that. Yum food as always Kristen.
Glad I'm not the only one. I guess that's something that will never change? I was hoping a Whole30 would even out my hormones a little bit... Probably not?
I'm going to start doing that too... Not eating until 10 when I'm actually hungry. Maybe paleo just keeps me fuller longer through the night? I don't know... The thing I'm still battling is the special "treat" in the afternoon, after my kids go to bed, or when I've had a bad day. It's much better this time around!
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