Saturday, November 24, 2012

Paleo Thanksgiving

Over Thanksgiving I realized how important the paleo diet is for me. First of all the last time I ran a 5K was in March. My time was 35:59 and I was dragging. My time on Thanksgiving was 30:35 and I didn't even push myself. I know exercise has helped that a lot but I'm sure the paleo diet has had something to do with it. I've been able to add weight easily when I lift and cardio is becoming easier and easier. I seem to have endless energy and my skin looks amazing.

Thanksgiving is the first time in about 3 months that I've really let myself eat whatever I want. Friday I woke up feeling sluggish and cranky. At first I thought maybe I was getting sick. Then I remembered something I saw on someone's blog. "Eat like crap, feel like crap". Yep, that was me.

Today I am back on track.

We spent most of the day hanging out at home decorating our tree.

This is a great year for Christmas.

Squirrel is 4 and LB is 2.  They are both in love with everything Christmas which makes me really excited.

We also spent part of the day preparing a paleo Thanksgiving.

The husband has always wanted to smoke a whole turkey on the grill so that's what he did.

I made sweet potato mash and...

Brussels sprouts.

The husband made his green beans.

Plus we made paleo gravy!

Everything was so good!

We also ate a piece of non-paleo pumpkin pie.

It's our favorite part of Thanksgiving so we couldn't skip it!

Now we have a movie date by the tree...

Thanksgiving was fun but bring on Christmas!


Buttercup said...

Everything looks so good and Squirrel looks so cute at the tree. Definitely need to take a closer look at Paleo.

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

I've dabbled in quite a few different diets. I was one of those people that thought paleo was so stupid for "cutting out carbs". Paleo has seriously changed my life. At first glance it doesn't look appealing and can be kind of tricky but it really is amazing.

Unknown said...

Awwww, what a beautiful tree, and the pics of your kids decorating are adorable. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious--all sorts do yummy dishes. Glad to hear you're finding a way of eating that you enjoy and makes you feel your best!

Danielle said...

Love the Christmas decorations! Your kids are too cute. I agree with you on Paleo. Whenever I fall off track with Paleo I start to feel plain and simply like crap. The second I'm back to paleo I start feeling so much better! Good to know I'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is more fun when the kids are little. Our kids have already moved out so it will be the first year I won't have help decorating - so sad!

Erin @ said...

I love this- I can't wait to celebrate holidays with a little family :)

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.