Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

Have you seen the tweet floating around twitter about making snowflakes for the Sandy Hook students?

When the students come back to a new building in January, it will be decked out in a winter wonderland full of snowflakes from US!

Volunteers are going to hang as many snowflakes as they can around the building.

Can you imagine the kids faces when they walk through the building?

The snowflakes will be so comforting.  They will also help distract them from any bad feelings they might be having.  Your snowflake could make their day!

Since the tragedy I know all of us are trying to figure out something to do for someone... anything really... for anyone.  Maybe you can't think of anything to do?

This is something so easy and so special.

We spent a whole afternoon making snow flakes.

Squirrel didn't quite understand the reasoning behind it but she knew someone was sad and this would make them feel better.

You can find all of the information about the snowflakes HERE.


Michelle @ Eat Move Balance said...

What an excellent activity to do with your kids. So sweet and thoughtful. Have a great weekend!

Biz said...

That is an excellent idea - those kids have been through so much, its unimaginable. Makes you want to hug your kids all day long! :D

Cotter Crunch said...

that is what christmas is about. Sharing and CARING!

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.