Needless to say there have been quite a few meals unpictured and it's obvious my focus hasn't been here at COP. It's been on my family. I promise that here in another week or so I will come back to the regular rhythm of posts and have better content. Bear with me for now. Especially with this post...
My chickens heard my pep talk the other day.
Look what I found in their nesting box this morning...
The sweetest little egg.
By little I mean little! It's so tiny!
Apparently, the eggs get bigger as they lay them. Not too shabby for your first egg girls!
Did you know that chickens take dirt baths? It protects their feathers from parasites.
Having chickens has really taught me a lot about the animal and about eggs. I love learning where my food comes from!
Congrats on the first egg! ;) Hopefully there will be many more to come.
And trust me when I say that all of your blog followers have nothing but support for you and your family!! Keep up the awesome job you are doing :).
Totally understandable that your posting would be off! And that teenie tiny egg is precious :)
Sorry to hear about the upcoming deployment. Hang in there, lady.
I'd love to hear what you made with the very first egg!
Exciting! One day I really want to raise chickens and have eggs. Did it taste different from a grocery store egg? I've never had an egg that wasn't from the store, I don't think.
I can only imagine the emotional rollercoaster that all this does to you and your family. Hang in there! You are doing a fabulous job!!
And, yay, for the first egg! I've been waiting for this! How amazing is that?!
You ladies are so sweet! You comments made my morning :)
Hang in there girl! This must be a very tough time for you and know that I am here for you!
Hurray and congrats on your first little eggy :)
so after having chickens for a while would you still reccomend getting them??
After you get resettled after he leaves we should have a playdate. My deployment attitude is stay as busy as possible so you dont have time to think about it. It made 9 months go by semi fast actually!
I would definitely recommend them! I will Facebook you maybe next week! :)
I can't imagine being away from my husband for that long. you are so strong!
such cute little eggs--how fun to have your own chickens!
I can't say I have experience with deployment (yet) but you seem like you have experience. I'm sure you and the kids will do great and I know you're happy this will be the last one!! SO excited for your first egg. I know you've been waiting on that haha!
Yea! An Egg! Cheers for more to come!
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