Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Call Me Out

I know there are people out there reading this blog.  Y'all are too sweet because everyone has failed to call me out on something.  You obviously see everything I eat unless I forget to photograph it.  I am seriously lacking in veggies and lacking in variety!  I like negative comments as long as they are nice.  Nicely negative?  That can happen!

I'm new to instagram and I love pictures so I'm instantly obsessed.  I'm that annoying person that likes and comments on all of your photos.  Don't worry I'll chill out in a few days.  So while browsing instagram last night in bed (because that's what you do before you go to bed... check facebook, twitter, reader, pinterest, instagram...) I noticed everyone else's dinner was full of veggies!  Infact, all of their meals had a rainbow of vegetables.  Did you see mine yesterday?  KRISTEN!  Where have all the veggies gone?  I'll tell you where they went?  Flying out the window... and through the front door came Christmas cookies, cocktail meatballs, and pigs in a blanket.

The remedy?  After breakfast and the gym this morning I went shopping.  Did you see on instagram that LB went with me? What better way to get your kids excited about healthy foods than to let them actually do the shopping!

He loved putting all the veggies in the cart!

We got a rainbow!

Minus purple because I have red cabbage and kale in the fridge.

Let's rewind to the beginning of the day.


A smoothie to go!  One cup unsweetened almond milk, one scoop of SFH vanilla grass fed pure whey powder, one banana, and a huge handful of spinach.  

I'm a little late in the green smoothie challenge, Michelle, but it's going to happen.  7 days of green smoothies!


All 3 sets of 10
Cable row
Cable bicep curl
Lat pull downs
Rear deltoid
Assisted pull ups

Plus 30 minutes on the stationary bike.


We had some really interesting leftovers that needed to be used up.  Paleo chili, sweet potato mash, herb butter, spaghetti squash, and some tomatoes.

I put a scoop of chili over the sweet potatoes and sautéed the spaghetti squash with the tomatoes and herb butter.  It was random but actually really good!

Unfortunately, I was hungry this afternoon.  I'm normally not a big snacker but I don't think that meal had enough protein.  I broke out some unsweetened banana chips (just dried banana and coconut oil) and unsweetened sunflower seed butter.  Just a couple hit the spot.


The husband seasoned sea bass with salt and pepper.  Then wrapped it in prosciutto, topped it with a sprig of fresh rosemary, and put it on the grill.  I sautéed chopped red cabbage in a pan with some grass fed butter, salt, and apple cider vinegar.  Halfway through cooking I added a handful of raisins.  It was an amazing meal!

What do you do if you are lacking in nutrition?


Buttercup said...

I've been reframing and went back to smoothies or yogurt for breakfast. I'm needing to put a lot more veggies in my diet -- went the way of carbs big time -- and this weekend will do some major shopping.

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

It does feel good to have healthier choices in my fridge. Christmas really made me lose focus!

M.Love said...

Seriously - I adore that little face! And love your comments and love :). Glad your finding the veggies. I need to up my intake too! :)

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Haha thanks! I love your blog :)

Elizabeth @ My Neon Running Shoes said...

What an awesome little shopping helper! Cant wait til mine is old enough to help out!

Kelly said...

what's your instagram name? Mine is Kfredrick

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

kristenatcop! Come find me :)

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Sometimes he's an anti-helper ;)

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Never mind Kelly I found you!

Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl said...

Chili on a sweet potato sounds like a winning combination to me!! :)

Tiffany said...

Yummy green smoothie! I'm going to try and convert my mil as she is in need of some serious nutrition (battling brain cancer). I love letting the kids help shop. We had a random red cabbage slaw tonight with "stuff" I had in the good!

Christine said...

I basically do what you did... Go shopping just for veggies!!! I usually like my veggies more than my meat though, so I have to work on getting enough protein.

Anonymous said...

Holy moly you have one ADORABLE kiddio. :) Yay for adding in more veggies. I know I need to add more into my diet but I can't help it if I like the carbs/proteins/fats more...

Miranda @ Biting Life said...

I think it's great that you were able to identify that your diet has been lacking something. Good for you! I track my food, so at the end of the week I'll look back and make sure I've been getting enough vegetables, protein, fiber, etc. I love having that resource to keep me accountable!

jill said...

Is that a mini grocery cart? CUTE. I love those reusable cups for smoothies and iced coffee. I have been eating pulled pork and squash for days...must eat more veggies!!!

Michelle @ Eat Move Balance said...

ha ha! Alright, then, I won't be afraid to call you out when I see a lack of veggies!! Yay for green smoothies!

Did you make those unsweetened banana chips? I used to love those as a kid, but never buy them because they always have stuff added.

kim@hungryhealthygirl said...

That picture of your son shopping is too cute and all of your meals look fabulous, especially that sea bass. Maybe you weren't eating enough veggies, but at least you noticed and made a change. Way to go!

Danielle said...

Yay for the veggies! Um lets call each other out on lack of! I am the worst at getting them in. I just don't like them. It's such a problem!

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

You are so funny! It's a deal!!!

Kristen said...

totally do the social media check before i go to bed. PS I'm daisy21 on instagram if you want to follow!

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Glad I'm not the only one! I'll find ya!

Autumn@GoodEatsGirl said...

My littles LOVE the small shopping carts! So much fun!

I always tend to lose focus over the holidays about what I am eating! I still haven't gotten back on track...I think that once we go back to school next week, things will get much better!

Kerry @ Totes My Oats said...

That dinner sounds and looks amazing! Love the picture of LB! If I am lacking in nutrition one day, I try to "double up" the next day and couter-act the previous day. Every day is not perfect for me!

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

@Kerry @ Totes My OatsThats a really great idea to double up. Everyday isn't perfect for me either but I think it was starting to become a trend. Not really eating anything bad but just omitting vegetables.

Cotter Crunch said...

oh man, i've been there. but you called us to help and we will! i'll be gettin ya on IG!

Brittany @ DulceVie said...

I will have to try that green smoothie! It looks delish!

Ashley said...

I struggle with getting enough veggies and a variety of them in as well. I am the queen of frozen veggies when I don't have time to stop at the store and have everything else I need. Although I am challenging myself to eat more veggies and a variety of them, So broccoli once a week, carrots, kale, the list goes on and on.

I also noticed that with Paleo I can tend to overload on Protien and leave out the veggies which isn't good all the time. Last night I had way too much salmon and a half a sweet potato and I was full, but didn't eat or make any veggies... FAIL

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician nor do I have any type of medical training. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience.