Last night's dinner was so good that I had to recreate it for breakfast!
Here's how I did it:
I started with a frozen pepper/onion mix that I keep in the freezer. I let it cook for awhile in coconut oil and then I added probably a cup of grated sweet potato and a leftover grass fed beef burger. While that cooked I mixed up two eggs, sliced my avocado, and got the salsa out. I added the eggs and when everything was ready I topped it with salsa and avocado.
I had an avocado that was overly ripe so I pretty much ate a whole avocado today. I mixed half with a can of tuna plus relish and mustard. I also roasted some carrots. Can you tell I need to go grocery shopping?
Dinner was steak, sweet potato (with ghee and coconut) and watermelon at my parents house. We all agreed that every Sunday night should be steak and potatoes!
Remember how I said how the combat run wasn't so bad? I kind of regret that statement... Can I take it back? I'm hurting... Everywhere. I have multiple purple bruises that I don't even remember getting! I even have one on my forehead! And my triceps are killing me! No exercise today!
How I feel:
Today for some reason I feel really bloated. It's making me feel like I've gained weight... Too many sweet potatoes? Just hormonal? What are your thoughts? I haven't eaten anything abnormal.
Who is Blogging About the Whole30 in April:
If you are blogging about it let me know so I can add your name!
• Tiffany at Skinny Jeans and A Healthy Me
• Jess at Paleo Jess
• Leslie at Violet Imperfection
• Courtney at Journey of a Dreamer
• Emily at Emily Rocks the Road
• Amber at Busy, Bold, Blessed
• Naz at Cinnamon Eats
• Claire at The Ascent Blog
• Angie at Bullets, Boots, and Beyond
• Fergie at fergiesbites
• Emma at A Blissful Life
My Whole30 Posts
• Day one
• Day two
• Day three
• Day four
• Day five
• Day six
• Day seven
• Day eight
• Day nine
• Day ten
• Day eleven
• Day twelve
• Day thirteen
• Day fourteen
• Day fifteen
• Day sixteen
• Day seventeen
• Day eighteen
• Day nineteen
• Day twenty
• Day twenty one
• Day twenty two
• Day twenty three
• Day twenty four
• Day twenty five
• Day twenty six
• Day twenty seven
If you are on instagram make sure you hashtag whole30april!
You certainly can take it back :-) that's a great run! Bloated, not too sure but I did have some of that a week or so ago and if memory serves me rightly it was because I had drunk almost 3 litres of water that was hot and I had worked out hard.
Water might be it! I drank a lot of water yesterday. :)
Water is a def possible cause to the bloated feeling. I also found that I had to cut back on the sweet potato a bit too. I am super carb sensitive. If I eat too many I upset the friendly truce/balance, the desire for more kicks in and I have less control :( I am learning though.
Oh man that breakfast looks amazing. We're making burgers tonight, so you gave me an idea for what to do with the leftovers in the morning. I felt like on my last whole30 I was more bloaty than usual, but I was eating a lot more fruits and nuts than usual. It could also be your body trying to retain water after that crazy run.
I never thought of that!
That sounds like me. Once I even let sweet potatoes in to my diet they start sneaking in to every meal....
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