More frittata. While this is yummy... Like really yummy I'm looking forward to paleo pancakes.
Gosh I miss them so much.
I cleaned out the fridge with leftovers. I had one tuna cake, massaged kale with balsamic, and roasted sweet potatoes and carrots with coconut butter. That's like three containers that are out of my fridge.
More leftovers. This is much better than eating the same things all the time. I don't mind the little extra work during the week and I still have leftovers.
I did a strict shoulder workout today at the gym plus twenty minutes or so of cardio on the treadmill.
How I feel:
I feel pretty good today! I think things are evening out in my body hormonally. I feel content and happy! I have been thinking about the end of this and what I'd
Who is Blogging About the Whole30 in April:
If you are blogging about it let me know so I can add your name!
• Tiffany at Skinny Jeans and A Healthy Me
• Jess at Paleo Jess
• Leslie at Violet Imperfection
• Courtney at Journey of a Dreamer
• Emily at Emily Rocks the Road
• Amber at Busy, Bold, Blessed
• Naz at Cinnamon Eats
• Claire at The Ascent Blog
• Angie at Bullets, Boots, and Beyond
• Fergie at fergiesbites
• Emma at A Wheat Free Life
My Whole30 Posts
• Day one
• Day two
• Day three
• Day four
• Day five
• Day six
• Day seven
• Day eight
• Day nine
• Day ten
• Day eleven
• Day twelve
• Day thirteen
• Day thirteen
• Day fifteen
If you are on instagram make sure you hashtag whole30april!
I'll go if someone buys my ticket :)
It really is my favorite veggie. It's so good for you! I totally wish you could go girl!!!!
Matt where do you live?!
I would totally go if I lived closer :)
I'm glad you are enjoying a bit more variety and leftovers! Kinda the best of both worlds.
I'm scared to try the massaged kale, I had it in a smoothie right before we started whole30 and I just didn't love the taste.
I've been thinking about the end of the whole30 too, what will I change and keep?? I'd go if it was closer ;-)
You might like it! Kale tastes differently when you prepare it a different way. You'd be surprised!
I was really hoping one of you girls lived near Virginia haha! I might just make the trek myself... I'll have to be brave :)
Do they have the meetings in the UK too?
Massaged Kale is so yummy.... I never thought I would like it til I watched one of Tara Stiles cooking clips and she made a salad with it and I made it too and it was soooooo good .. Xx
Watch this video clip Leslie ... I wasn't sure either and then saw Tara's salad and made it and it was really Yummie you will be surprised
I live right next door to Arlington in Alexandria. I may consider it but this is the first I heard of it. Is there more information on their web site?
That workshop looks interesting! I attended the Balanced Bites one in January here in LA and it was great. Bummer paleo pancakes are not Whole30 =(
I got curious and looked up the cost of the flight...just to see. My husband is taking a gun course this summer, it's only fair mommy should get to do something fun too. Unfortunately flights are $400. Bummed. By the time you add in hotel & everything I just can't justify it. It sounds like a great seminar. Hopefully they'll do one West Coast and I can go :)
I am hoping it's good!
I think so! You'll have to look at the website :)
Ugh that sounds like too much for just a day seminar! It would have been awesome though!
I a, going to put it on the grocery list for this week!
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